Thursday 10 November 2011

Year 10 Unit 1: Lesson 13 November 9 2011.

Today we had a very hectic session because we had to finish editing this by Friday. Kazia and I first started cutting and editing the clips until I got called for my turn to present. Personally, I thought I did pretty good on my presentation but I could work a bit more on my knowledge on "camera angles and techniques". While I was presenting, Robert and Kazia worked more on editing the footage. After I finished, I went into the music room to capture the news report video on Jing and it worked successfully. Robert also stayed after school to work on it. 

Overall, I think we are a little behind and I'm not sure if we are able to finish in time. Tomorrow all of us are coming over at break and lunch to edit and I'm hoping we can finish on time. 

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