Friday 23 September 2011

Year 10 Unit 1: Lesson 7 September 23 2011.

Today Ms Rosati further explained what the guidelines were for our Criterion A investigation and presentation. She offered us a selection of documentaries that we would have to analyze and present in front of the whole class. After that, the whole class got together and discussed what each groups documentary idea was. I was fascinated by how widespread everyone's choice was. There were choices varying from Social Networking, to Hong Kong's Food Waste and the Domestic Helper Permanent Stay issue. I am very excited to see everyone's final result.

We then moved onto how all visual media is produced in three stages; pre production, production and post production. Right now, we have just begun the pre-production stage. Pre-production is any aspect of planning that takes place, it consists planning of Script, Storyboards, Shot Lists, Casting, Location Scouting (permission, weather, lighting) and Budgeting. Pre-production planning is a main essential not only for documentaries, but also to any other film making genres. It is very important to plan behind a documentary because as we are capturing reality, we cannot control it. Therefore pre-production needs to take place in order to have the interviews and filming as smooth as possible.

Notes from today's class:

The first stage of Production: 
-> Pre-production: any aspect of planning takes place

  • Script
  • Storyboards
  • Shot List
  • Casting
  • Location Scouting
  • Budgeting
  • Any written support for filming- Interview Questions
  • In the case of documentary we add the important category of PRIMARY RESEARCH.
  • In sequence, visual representation, camera frames and angles.
  • Documentary: no obligation to create storyboards.
  • Pre-visuals: Does not include/involve interviews/archival footage 
Shot List:
  • Better organization- shot plan, list of shots to capture in a given location at a given time, not to miss anything.
  • Confirm names and backgrounds for interview (documentary)
Location Scouting:
  • Go to that location BEFORE HAND.
  • OBSERVE the lighting.
  • Secure permission to shoot
  • Take still pictures 
  • Idea if what we're doing costs money.
  • Manage expense
  • Permission; verbal permission to record person
  • Copyright material; music and videos- email owner

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