Thursday 15 September 2011

Year 10 Unit 1: Lesson 5 September 15 2011.

Today's lesson we further dug into what a documentary was and what it meant. We analysed two different documentaries and later on had to compare and contrast them for homework. The documentaries we watched were No Direction Home directed by Martin Scorsese and Bowling for Columbine directed my Michael Moore.

The documentary No Direction Home opening scene was very entertaining. Basically it was about the current day famous singer Bob Dylan remembering a house that he lived in during his childhood but couldn't seem to remember where it exactly was. Throughout the movie, there were three powerful sections that contributed to the emotion felt by Bob Dylan. Ms Rosati also had us reflect on three different questions (see below). I also noticed that...

- Three sections: Interviews, Performance shots, and old photographs of his childhood.
- Interview: Only hear Bob Dylan's response, no interviewer's questions. Attitude is confident but seems lost as he is trying to find that specific "home". Also stutters when he talks.
- Performance: Singing is rough and raw, very distinctive. Lighting is very colorful, full of vivid  and vibrant colors such as red, orange and white. When focused on audience, the light is reflected back on them, shows signs of uncomfortableness because there's no cheering or applaud.
- Sudden stop to music acts as transition. Gloomy white/gray tone. White mist of trees depict Dylan's saying of time. Playbacks to childhood photos and how Dylan describes the record player. Scene of record player is low lighting.

The questions that we had to answer were
* Did they shoot all the footage themselves?
- They may have not shot all the footage themselves. Some may have been shot by other film makers such as the performing footage. We know this from the fact that when he was performing he looked very young and it was most likely the start of his career. Whilst the current day Bob Dylan is much older.

* What did the film maker choose to show & hear?
He chose to show us Dylan's response but not the interviewer's questions. The film maker also chose to show us Dylan's singing which had a rough and raw monotone to it. However, he did not show the audience's applaud or feedback, which indicates that maybe no one enjoyed his music.

* What did the film maker juxtapose with the images and sound?
The images and sound during the small scene about Dylan's childhood conveyed a small hint of Dylan's fascination in country music. The images contrasted with the country song he first heard, which also gave us a clue as to how his career started.

After a small 10 minutes answering these questions, we watched the next opening scene of Bowling for Columbine. The film maker/director, Michael Moore was trying to convey how easy it was to acquire a gun in the US, which led to the Columbine High School Shooting in 1999.

The last few minutes of our lesson we spent on brainstorming for our Criterion B project. My group consisted of the same people as the challenge shoot; Kazia, Robert and I. We all just decided to write down what ever topic we could think of and it eventually led up to these selections.

  • - smoking
  • - inflation
  • - how land is developing in hk
  • - pollution
  • - social themes
  • - lazy/spoilt kids in hk (relative to other places)
  • - environmental
  • - cultural
  • - religion
  • - having kids
  • - poverty
  • - caring for the elderly
  • - health
  • - views on aging

We were not able to decide on our topic in class so we had an online discussion which resulted into choosing "How traditions have changed in Hong Kong". We first came up with three main holidays that were important to Chinese culture and came up with: Chung Yeung (seeing as it is in 2 weeks), Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese New Year. 

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