Sunday 28 August 2011

Year 10 Unit 1: Lesson 1, August 24 2011. Homework FEEDBACK.

During lesson 2, Ms Rosati asked JS and I to present our clip analysis in front of the class. I was the first person to introduce my clip and after it  had finished playing, discussed it in for everybody to hear. I was struggling a little bit because I had no time to prepare and I couldn't remember exactly all the points I had written about. I am also not a very good "public speaker" so I said a lot of "umm's" when I talked. However, when I was done presenting, Ms Rosati clearly stated that I had a lot of mistakes in my work.

Firstly, there was no "shaky cam" technique. I initially thought there was because when we re-watched the clip some parts weren't stable. Yet that was in fact the camera mounted onto the train to capture the train ride. I hadn't thought of this until Ms Rosati told me and I realized and understood my mistake thoroughly.

Secondly, I had not noticed the vibrant colors of the scene. This point really spoke out to me because I could apply it to different films. I had not noticed that there were a lot of vivid colors in the scene as orange, yellow, red and pink from the goodies the boys were holding. Ms Rosati also spotted that there was a lot of green in the video, particularly from the train, scenery and the boys' toys. What the director was trying to capture was that this scene was a "child's world" full of fun and laughter.

Although I'm not an expert on film analysis, I really did try all my best when I was analyzing. In the future, I hope I can learn from all this feedback to build up a better and understandable analysis.

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