Thursday 25 August 2011

Year 10 Unit 1: Lesson 1, August 24 2011.

This would be my third consecutive year that I've done film but I'm still excited to learn the new units that we'll be studying. Today we had our first lesson with our new teacher Ms Rosati. We reviewed the rules of the film lab and the criteria/rubrics of the units we will be studying this year which are Sound Design and Documentary. 

Ms Rosati had us introduce ourselves to her one by one. We discussed why we've chosen film this year, what were are favorite movies and if we didn't have one, then what film we had watched this summer. I chose film this year because I found film more appealing than all the given subjects. I've had an interest in cinematography, being behind the camera, and the editing process. I want to continue in building up my cinematography skills as much as possible with this opportunity.  I've also loved how different camera angles can portray an element or emotion in a movie. 

A movie I watched this summer was Crazy, Stupid, Love directed by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa. I did not particularly enjoy this film that much because it was a little graphical and inappropriate as it was meant for adult humor. Although I did like the plot and how the audience was immensely tricked when all the characters were connected at the end.

After the little introduction, Ms Rosati wanted us to chose a short clip from another film (not the one we just mentioned), analyze it, and say what we liked about it for homework. I chose Slumdog Millionaire directed by the famous director Danny Boyle,  because I re-watched it this summer and was really struck by the visual aspects of the movie. I had not known that Danny Boyle had directed this movie until I had done a little research. I've also found out he directed the Oscar nominated movie 127 Hours, which I have yet to watch.

Towards the last few minutes of the lesson, Ms Rosati had us sit and watch the first two minutes of the movie Wall-E. The reason being because it had a lot of sound design related to what we were going to study. The whole class analyzed the clip which gave a better understanding on how to identify the concepts of what the directors were trying to show in the film.

Overall, I really enjoyed the first lesson and I am very excited to use what I already know into the following units. 

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