Monday 24 October 2011

Year 10 Unit 1: Lesson 9 October 24 2011.

Today's lesson we were given the time to capture/import our footage. At the start of the lesson, Ms Rosati sat us all down and had each group discuss how their filming progress went. Most of the groups encountered a problem where one person didn't want to be interviewed. I learnt that it was good to actually film the person declining the request to be interviewed because it shows how people are scared or uninterested (in the group's case about domestic helpers).

The rest of the lesson was given to us to import and capture our footage into Final Cut Pro. One skill that I learnt which I hope to use in the future was converting clips (if filmed by a DSLR) into the right format that could be compatible to Final Cut Pro. I learnt how to import all the clips and convert them using MPEG Streamclip. Whilst Mr Chiang was explaining what to do, I thought it looked pretty complex but once I got to do it (also with a little help from my peers), it was easier than said. I learnt that it is always good to double check small details that you may miss out. We managed to get all our footage converted in time. Additionally, Kazia and Robert were looking for news archival footage while I was capturing. They managed to find a local news report with a lot of information about our festival, which was going to be very useful.

Ms Rosati came to talk to each group individually. When she came to ours, she had us explain our filming process. We told her about how our question backfired because a lot of people actually did come to the cemetery. She told us that we should review all our footage because now we do not know what exactly to convey and how the researchers in our group could find the right footage enough to project what we wanted it to. Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to review all footage in order to decide what we were going to end up doing.

Overall, I enjoyed this lesson as I was particularly excited to edit. Our time spent was very productive and everyone in our group did what they were supposed to do. I hope all our footage is enough for the required amount of minutes. Now what we have to do next is review all the clips, and figure out what our message is and how we're going to convey it. Also, in addition to the research, we could find some suitable soundtracks to our clips.

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