Thursday 9 June 2011

Year 9 Unit 2: Lesson 4; June 9 2011.

Today we finally had a Film class after missing a few due to school events. Since we finished filming last lesson, we had also already captured the footage to save us time this lesson. Jen and Alex went and edited yesterday lunchtime but I could not attend due to a Music performance. They had already put the shots in the right place and the right time and all we had to do was add the music itself, effects, and credits.

We added a few special effects during the fight scene. We had some parts of them fighting move fast and when one of the characters were falling from a punch, we made them travel slow. Also, we added a "negative" effect during the point of view angle when the Dad was being shot so we could make the audience feel as delusional and painful as the Dad.

After the effects, Jasmine had the music ready for us. When we imported it in, we realized that our movie was too long. So we began to cut some unnecessary clips but the movie was still a little bit longer than the music piece. We ended up splitting the music into it's parts and putting it where it was supposed to go. Fortunately, the music fit, but we had some silent parts. We also repeated another piece of music because it really captured the right mood of the shot.

When we had finished both the music and the effects, we began to add in credits. We thought of the title "Blonde Ninja" as our movie. We added a title page in the beginning of our movie, then we had scrolling credits at the end. During the scrolling credits, we would have a funny blooper of our movie. Unfortunately, when we exported it, I saw that during the end credit scene, Jasmine's whole credit line "JASMINE AS MUSIC COMPOSER" had a bit of the front and end part cut off. This was because the line itself was too long and it didn't fit the screen. However, I originally typed "MUSICIAN" but Mrs Wong thought "MUSIC COMPOSER" was better, but I should've known to press "enter" to give it more room.

After we had finished all the vital parts of our movie, we quickly exported it 10 minutes before class ended. We dropped it into the "public" box of our computer and we were the first group to hand ours in! We even had time to watch it all over again.

Overall, I'm very proud of this movie because we managed our time very wisely unlike the previous unit. We also tried to convey the story plot to the audience carefully and thoroughly.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Year 9 Unit 2: Lesson 3; June 1 2011.

Today was the third lesson of Unit 2. We continued on with the filming and fortunately, were able to finish filming our film and even had time to capture all the footage. That being said, our musician also finished composing her music piece and that was really convenient for us!

We filmed the "Av","C", and "A (number two)" scenes. For the Av scene, we had the son learning and practicing kung fu with a training master at the Moongate. Towards the end, he becomes happy and grateful of how much he's learnt. For the C scene, we headed towards the small corridor to Rose Hall to film the fight. We had a lot of footage that we were planning to speed or slow down to add effect. For our A scene, we had the son with his foot on the back of the stranger and crying out in triumph.

Overall, I am so glad we managed to finish filming in two lessons. I hope that the editing will not take that long and that the music fits perfectly.